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Michelle Palasek has 20 years in the staffing industry working in sales and marketing operations. She currently serves as a Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist at SGA.

How AI/Machine Learning May Impact How You Work With a Staffing Partner

How AI Machine Learning May Impact

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have already changed how businesses’ process data, manage supply chain operations, and monitor network performance. But how might AI and machine learning impact the way you work with a staffing partner? Here’s how today’s agencies are using AI in staffing and how it will affect your recruitment process.

How Staffing Agencies Unite HR and AI

What kinds of processes have been improved through the union of AI and HR management? Today’s staffing companies can use AI and machine learning in ways that streamline the experience for candidates and clients alike.

Screening Candidates

One of the first uses of AI in staffing is in the screening process itself. Staffing agencies leverage AI-based tools to sift through candidate resumes and match potential candidates to job opportunities.

Recruiters can automate these tasks, which allows AI tools to passively search for candidates throughout the staffing agency’s talent network. While recruiters and employers will have the final say over hiring decisions, AI can narrow the field and provide a preliminary list of candidates who best align with the skills and experience a company seeks.

Reducing Bias

Recruiters face challenges regarding unconscious bias. Even using terms like “recent college grad” can reflect a bias toward young professionals. AI, therefore, plays a role in reducing this bias.

First, generative AI can help you produce inclusive job descriptions and avoid “code words” such as the above. Second, AI-powered tools can perform skills assessment(s) for you, removing the human element that might introduce bias into your hiring process.

Managing Timetables

Staffing companies also use AI to manage their internal administrative processes. Virtual assistants can aid with tasks such as scheduling interviews and providing timely feedback to candidates and clients. AI and machine learning can also determine the optimal times and methods for communicating with candidates, which ensures efficient, timely communication.

These advances allow recruiters to better manage their timetables. Clients will see the results in the way that the recruiting process adheres to expected deadlines. Thus, AI improves the efficiency of the search, producing quality results according to schedule.

Analyzing Data

Using AI and machine learning in HR functions will help staffing partners better analyze data. For example, AI-powered tools can analyze everything from the candidate’s resume to their facial expressions during a video interview.

Staffing partners can even use these AI tools to guide the screening and vetting process. Not only will AI narrow the candidate pool, but it can help you evaluate which candidates possess the skills and qualifications needed to thrive in the open position.

Predicting Hiring Needs

Predictive analytics can ensure that you hire the candidate that fits the needs of each position. But predictive analytics can do far more than that, offering an enterprise-level solution for your entire organization.

HR teams and hiring managers can use predictive analytics to anticipate future staffing needs. Analyzing cyclical trends, for example, can forecast future needs and may point toward contingent staffing.

The Benefits of AI and Machine Learning in Staffing

Through the advances in AI and machine learning, staffing agencies can deliver greater results for candidates and employers. Here are some of the advantages AI can bring.


Because AI-powered tools accelerate the screening process, the candidate pool can be narrowed quickly. Even the interviewing process runs more smoothly by optimizing scheduling and hiring timetables.

Larger Applicant Pool

By relying on automation and analytics, employment agencies can search for passive candidates who might not be seeking a job at the moment. Employers, therefore, gain access to a broader network of applicants to find suitable resources.

Accuracy and Alignment

Leveraging AI and machine learning will help you pinpoint candidates that more closely match your needs. And by streamlining the process, hiring managers will have more time to interview top prospects to ensure that they align with the company’s overall culture.

Using AI in Staffing With the Right Agency

Companies are increasingly relying on third-party staffing agencies to assist in talent acquisition. Partnering with an innovative staffing company can help you better connect to human capital and ensure that your next hire fits your corporate goals and adds value to your organization.