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Michelle Palasek has 20 years in the staffing industry working in sales and marketing operations. She currently serves as a Sr. Marketing Communications Specialist at SGA.

Ways to Develop Skills Outside Traditional Classrooms

Ways to Develop Skills Outside Traditional Classrooms

Skills enhancement is a necessary part of career progression and today, more than ever, there are opportunities to enhance your skills in non-traditional ways. Let’s look at some ways to embrace lifelong learning outside a traditional classroom.

Books for Personal & Professional Growth

Books are the original teacher. You can go low-tech and buy a print version (or better yet borrow from a library at no cost) or take advantage of e-books or audio versions. If audio books work for you, you can listen while doing other tasks such as commuting, exercising, or preparing dinner.

The prominent library app, Libby, has a recommended reading list of 10 business books to get you started.


Podcasts are another way to access the knowledge and experience of others in your career field or a way to expose you to an industry or new field of interest. Podcasts are another cost-effective learning tool and are free or have a limited cost. Again, you can listen while doing other tasks.

Some well-regarded podcasts to get you started include:

  • National Public Radio’s How I Built This
  • TED Talks Daily
  • Harvard Business Review’s HBR IdeaCast
  • How to be Awesome at Your Job
  • The Diary of a CEO

Mentorship & Coaching

Mentorship matches a less experienced worker with a more experienced worker to provide guidance. A mentor/mentee relationship can be in a formal program with a duration of one or two years during which the mentor shares their knowledge and experience. If you’re currently employed, find out if your employer offers this type of program and take advantage of it. If your employer doesn’t have a formal program for you to use, identify a more experienced colleague that has a skill or embodies a leadership style you admire and approach them with the idea of mentoring you. Set goals and expectations for the relationship. Provide a regular schedule for meeting to hold yourself accountable.

A mentor doesn’t have to be a coworker. If you work for a smaller organization, there may not be anyone there to share the type of experience and advice you seek. Speak to friends and family or review your network to find someone that has been in a similar situation before. You will still want parameters for a successful relationship.

Unlike a mentor, a professional coach won’t usually have direct experience in your career field. They are experts at helping you identify what motivates you. Professional coaching is appropriate when you want to reach the next phase of your career or are considering a career change. Professional coaches help you set goals and make a plan to achieve them.

Networking & Peer Learning

We have unprecedented access to other people in our profession through technology. The professional networking site, LinkedIn, allows you to find and connect with professionals in your field, thought leaders, and relevant groups across the globe. You can join peer and industry groups through tools such as Slack and Reddit.

Another peer learning avenue is a book club. This takes our first alternative learning avenue to another level. It brings discussion from various viewpoints into your learning environment and should increase the insight you gain from each book.

Also, remember to ask your friends and colleagues what they’re learning and how they are increasing or improving their skills. Engage in discussions about what you’re learning to gain their perspective.

Customize Your Learning Path

Now that you have a better understanding of some non-classroom learning options, you’ll want to incorporate them into your learning journey. Be sure to mix classroom or online courses with books and podcasts. Engage in conversations in-person and online with peers, colleagues and thought leaders of your industry. Strive for continuous growth to stay relevant and support your career progression. It is easier than ever with so many options for expanding your skills and knowledge.